6 Simple Tricks For Feeling Younger
6 Simple Tricks for Feeling Younger
There’s no turning back time, and that becomes more apparent with each passing year. While the aging process marches on, there are ways to rejuvenate your mind and get a little bit of that youthful energy back in your body. You might not regain the athletic prowess of your 20s, 30s, or 40s, but a few mindful practices can slow the sands of time enough to make each moment more enjoyable.
1. Go Outside
Everyone knows exercise is healthy, but it can be daunting. Don’t think about reps or or sets or minutes, and instead, just go outside. Chances are you’ll burn a few calories on the way, and then you can let fresh air and vitamin D do their health-affirming work.
Should you choose to go for a leisurely stroll, your body will thank you. Cardio boosts your metabolism, a quick way to have yourself feeling a few years spryer. If you aren’t sure how long you’ll be on foot, take an RMS Folding Cane with you just in case!
2. Take a Class
As age slows abilities we once had, it’s natural to feel sad about the loss of skill. When you try something new, like a painting class or studying a new language, you get to focus on learning something for the first time. Fall back into your educational days, when you might not have understood the subject but your brain enjoyed soaking in the knowledge.
If you have the ability and access, it’s always great to take an in-person class and meet new people. If that’s not feasible, there are infinite options online. From cooking to sewing to wine pairing, you can find a subject of interest.
3. Call an Old Friend
Reaching out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while helps everyone feel better. First, it’s always nice to hear from a loved one. Second, the companions from our past have a way of turning back time in our brain. You aren’t stuck alone with your memories—you’re sharing them with someone who understands what you’re talking about.
4. Cook Something New
Everyone misses the days of eating whatever they wanted. Your dietary needs might have changed, but the desire to delight your taste buds will never leave. The modern chef has every ingredient at his or her fingertips, and the internet has every recipe tailored to every type of diet.
If you can find a new dish that you really love, you’ll rekindle a spark of novelty that might have gone missing as your daily menu became more routine. You might even discover a new hobby that provides a youthful burst.
5. Stretch
Even if you dread exercise, you can still treat your muscles right and get a little pep in your step. Simple stretches can help with both mobility and balance, reminding your body what it feels like to be strong and in control. The RMS Leg Lifter is a great way to get started.
6. Dress Up
After retirement, the need to put on dress clothes usually drops off. While the freedom to wear your robe is great, it can lead people into a rut of never leaving the house. If that sounds familiar, try putting on clothes you like first thing in the morning. Dress for success and go seize the day—even if that only means taking a stroll around the block.
If it’s true that you’re “only as old as you feel,” why not see if you can take some small steps toward feeling a little younger?