Get Crafty When the Weather Gets Cold
One of the best things for your health is taking a walk outside; the combination of exercise and Vitamin D is a great combo. Unfortunately, for at least a portion of the year, those healthy outdoor activities have to be shelved while the weather gets inhospitable.
A day spent inside with no plans can be a real bore and a drag on your mood, but a day filled with engaging activities will fly by and put some pep in your step. Here are a few ideas for how to occupy your time as the temperature drops outside.
Pressing Flowers
What better way to preserve spring and summer than to turn nature into lasting art? You can create something beautiful and delicate even if your hands aren’t as steady as they used to be. All you need is a flower, a couple pieces of a wax paper, a book to place on top and voila!, you’ve got a nice little craft you can frame or make part of a holiday card.
A trip to get flowers for pressing is also great motivation to go for a walk (weather permitting). Grab your cane and head out to the nearest blooming bush, then stroll back inside for a little art project.
Painting Projects
From watercoloring to painting rocks, there are so many ways to bring a little flourish into your home. There’s a reason so many people discover art later in life—it’s relaxing and rewarding, no matter what your skill level might be. Just a few supplies can lead to endless creativity, and you can transform your living space without bringing in a contractor. Try new things until you find a medium you enjoy, and you might just become addicted.
Photo Collages
Sorting through old pictures can be a literal pain, especially compared to the ease with which you can view photos on a computer screen. Still, those physical copies are incredibly special and deserve to be on display. Instead of keeping them in a shoe box, paste them to a piece of poster board and hang it where you can visit old memories anytime you want.
Pro tip: A lightweight grabber is a great tool for sorting pictures on a coffee table without staying hunched over for too long. Getting crafty with old pictures should never be a source of pain!
Terrarium Building
Just like flower pressing but with a little more room for creativity. Making a terrarium inside a glass jar or bowl is a lovely way to bring more nature inside your home, and if you put in the time and effort you can create something really stunning. Moss, leaves, sticks, and rocks are all good, easy-to-find elements for making a terrarium.
Shifting weather can feel like a wrench in your gears, but with just a little bit of plotting you can fill your indoor time with lots of fun. Bring back an old hobby or try something new, and you’re sure to brighten your day even when the sun isn’t around.