How Seniors Are Getting Their Steps In
Tracking steps is a common trend for people of all ages. With a daily step goal and a phone or wristband that can track your movement, people can know exactly how many miles they’re walking each day and how to adjust their schedules and routines to hit those milestones.
It’s harder to meet those walking goals for someone who doesn’t have built-in activities like going to work or chasing kids around. However, a little extra walking each day does wonders for the body, so any elderly person who spends too many hours sitting should consider these tactics and motivators for increasing their daily step count.
Change of Scenery
Walking the same boring stretch of hallway every day doesn’t really put much pep in your step. So much of the challenge with exercising regularly is the mental battle, so you need to add a little excitement to the mix to get your brain on board. Visit community gardens with walking paths, or a historic part of the neighborhood with beautiful architecture. Almost anything out of the ordinary will make the activity more exciting and less of a chore.
Bring Company
Everything is better with a friend. If your only walking option is that same old path you take every day, you can at least ask a companion to take those steps with you. Get a tote bag for your walker, throw in some snacks and drinks, and turn those steps into a social outing. If you don’t know who to invite, ask around and see if you know anyone who’s already part of a walking group that can welcome in a new member. The social aspect of counting your steps is just as good for your health as the actual step-taking, so figure out who you can team up with and make it happen.
Have Goals
It’s hard to get walking when you lack direction. If you know that you need to hit 7,000 steps each day, it becomes a lot easier to get up in the morning and take a stroll around the block. You can also start with smaller goals, like 2,000 steps, and work your way up. Set a reward system for yourself—once you hit your first 10K-step day, you’ll get some snazzy walker glide balls for yourself. Once you start setting and hitting benchmarks, it's easy to keep the routine and start raising your standards.
Every doctor will tell you the same thing: as long as you’re not injured, get as many steps in each day as possible. Different people need different motivators, so find out what works for you. Once regular walks become part of your routine, you’ll find yourself feeling healthier and happier throughout the day.